Yes, yes, I know, we STILL haven't posted vacation pics. Believe me, I will try this weekend, otherwise it will get done on the 15th when Gav spends the weekend in Anita.
We are past week #8 in the baby growing business and we had our first doctor's appt on Monday. Everything looked good, and we even did an ultrasound and saw what looked like a peanut with 4 stubs, and a little beating heart. We still haven't told Gavin, but we remind him often of his friends with new babies and he wants "a girl kind". We probably won't be able to tell that for a while. Our next doctor's visit is to the high risk specialists on the 19th and we will know more about how limited Bridie's activities will be.
Gavin has had a busy week. Last Saturday he had a couple friends over to play in the pool, then went out to lunch. That afternoon he came down with a stomach bug, so we had a gross couple days after that. Sunday we just relaxed and then went to Gamma's for dinner. Tuesday after work we went to the Aquatic center with his best friend Donavin, and Wednesday they had quite an adventure! Donavin's mom picked him up from school and then they all rode a city bus downtown to meet up with Bridie for the IA State Fair parade. There was no candy which was a disappointment, but lots of neat horses and cars. Tonight Uncle Zach is coming over to celebrate his birthday and to watch the Olympics, and then the next couple weekends is going to be filled with birthday celebrations!