Monday, September 27, 2010

Love is in the Air

The last couple months, Gavin has been very spontaneous with the "I love you's". Now that Sam is a full fledged talker, he is not to be outdone in the sweetness department by his older brother. He will routinely stop what he's doing, come over to me for a kiss and "i love you mommy" and go back to whatever it is he is doing.

And then there is the round of I Love You's. This is what we hear in our house lately:

S: "i love you dada"
C: "love you Sam"
S: "i love you mommy"
B: 'love you Sam"
S: "i love you bubba"
G: "love you bubba"
G: "i love you mommy!"
B: "i love you Gavin"

G: "i love you daddy!"
C: "love you Gavin"

and this continues, and continues. Not that we mind :)

In the car the other day, it was just Gavin and Sam back and forth with the "i love you mommy" for like 5 minutes. Ah, so good to be loved!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good night Erin. Good night Ben. Good night Johnboy!