Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Playing Hooky

Since we cut our vacation short, I let Gavin play hooky on what would have been Day 5 of our vacation. We met Grandma Janet for lunch at Perkins. Then we headed for the Science Center for what we thought was a noon showing of an IMAX movie.

When we got there we found out the listings were wrong and the movie we wanted to see didn't start until 1. So we played at the science center for an hour - mostly building lego cars.

We also caught the tail end of the weather forecast for our local news channel that is broadcast from the science center every weekday.

Then we had a private showing of the Hubble space telescope IMAX documentary. I think I've only seen an IMAX film once, 15 or so years ago. And we were really the only two people in the theater. Back when I was in school, I swear we didn't know what was beyond the Milky Way. It was a very humbling experience to see all those galaxies that we now know exist, and to think how tiny we really are. Amazing!

And one final photo op before leaving the science center.

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