Friday, June 25, 2010

Just Dance! And another Gavin "Moment"

We have this Just Dance game for the Wii. The graphics are horrible, but the concept is great. Pick a song, follow the moves, get points for accuracy and effort. I have to hold the remote in the opposite hand so that Gavin has a chance at winning.

Last night, Gavin and I danced off for 40 minutes! Not only is it fun, it's great exercise. After half an hour, Gavin was obviously tired (he had swimming lessons again, I will save his big accomplishment for a later post!). I told him we could stop and wind down.

And then Gavin said:
"But I know you love to dance, Mommy"

Sweet boy kept going, despite being sweaty and exhausted, because he knew it made me happy. This boy has the biggest heart I know.

See? They're not always monsters!

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