I think I make it look easy on my blog. It is SO not easy.
I love, LOVE, my kids. But some days I'd love an hour at Target by myself even more.
Chad has been working a lot. I know it's not fun for him to be working all the time, but sometimes I'm secretly jealous because I would like a break.
Sam is so into babies right now, I would love to have another baby. Almost just to see how great of an older brother he would be. But I know there is no way we want to risk preemie hood again. Not to mention we are completely overwhelmed with activities and keeping it all straight as it is.
That stuff they tell you about feeding your kids healthy foods when they are little and they will grow up to make healthy choices? LIES!
Sometimes I pay my 6 yr old in quarters to just eat the same meal we are eating without complaint (hey, one way to earn their allowance am I right?)
I sleep on the couch with my 21 month old because he still won't sleep through the night and it's easier to just sleep with him than to walk through the house 3 - 4 times a night to get to him. I secretly don't hate the snuggle time
My 6 yr old is getting to the age where we hear "I hate you". While we definitely discourage this language, it doesn't break my heart like I thought it would. Mostly because by the time we get to that point, I'm so mad I don't like him that much either in the moment.
Despite the tough times, there are more good moments than bad.
It only takes a fraction of a great moment to make up for a whole lot of bad ones.
There is nothing, nothing like the love of boys for their mommies.
These boys (and their Dad) are my world, and everything I do, I do with the honest intent of making their worlds better.
Oh yeah, and they are pretty much spoiled rotten. Sue me!

If you want a day or afternoon off on your own, you can call your mother...That is an option. GJ
i secretly wish my 21 month old would snuggle more... cherish it.
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