Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Trick or Treat!

Why didn't the skeleton cross the road?

Sam apparently hates all things fuzzy, so even though he LOVES Elmo, he was having no part of the costume. And try as you might to explain to a 21 mo old that people just won't give you candy without a costume, no matter how cute you may be, he didn't get it. We finally got him to wear a Pablo hat - Gavin's 3 yr old costume (from the Backyardigans). Of course we didn't get pictures. So he went out in shorts and a polo shirt and a Pablo hat.

Gavin was a rock star, Chad took them out the first hour, then Gavin and I hit up a couple more streets. All told, he was out almost 2 hours. Very much a success.

Gavin also spent a special day with Gamma Jamma on Friday. She is now "retired" and he had the day off of school. So she took him to lunch, walked him around the Botanical Center and Capitol building, and then they went trick or treating at The Register where he scored big time amounts of candy.

Because he didn't have any guts!

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