Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Oct 3rd Soccer Game
The game is going to be held at a different location this weekend. It will actually be on the Johnston Commons fields by the library (and our house).It's that green area when you turn onto Morningside Dr from Merle Hay. You can park at our house and walk down, or park along the street.
Get the Defibrillator!
So last week (Friday) night I was alone with the kids, and Gavin wanted to play in the back yard. Sam was napping, so I needed to stay inside, so I gave him "the talk" about how important it is to stay in the backyard and if he wanted to go to Rushi's house, that was fine but he needed to tell me first.
So every minute and a half I am looking out the window checking on him. We're at the end of a cul-de-sac and there is a fence between us and the street BUT STILL. So just as I was getting comfortable with him being out there alone, I look out and he is GONE. I look over at Rushi's backyard and don't see him. I look around the backyard and yell his name a couple times, and nothing. I see Rushi's Dad in his backyard and try to keep myself composed while asking if Gavin was over, even though I didn't think he had time to get over there and in the house in the time between looking out the window at him. Not there.
So by now I am in complete heart failure and in panic mode. I take off running across our backyards yelling for him, when I hear him BAWLING at the front of the house. He wanted to sit on the front porch and wait for his Dad to come home. I don't know why he didn't speak up when I was first calling for him. I don't know why I didn't look out front, I guess I assumed if he was going anywhere, it would be to his friend's house.
Rushi's poor Dad had followed me to make sure we found him.
So that took a few years off my life. Gavin was fine, just upset because he heard me calling for him and when I panicked, he panicked. And I am officially THAT MOM that loses her kid in her own front yard.
So every minute and a half I am looking out the window checking on him. We're at the end of a cul-de-sac and there is a fence between us and the street BUT STILL. So just as I was getting comfortable with him being out there alone, I look out and he is GONE. I look over at Rushi's backyard and don't see him. I look around the backyard and yell his name a couple times, and nothing. I see Rushi's Dad in his backyard and try to keep myself composed while asking if Gavin was over, even though I didn't think he had time to get over there and in the house in the time between looking out the window at him. Not there.
So by now I am in complete heart failure and in panic mode. I take off running across our backyards yelling for him, when I hear him BAWLING at the front of the house. He wanted to sit on the front porch and wait for his Dad to come home. I don't know why he didn't speak up when I was first calling for him. I don't know why I didn't look out front, I guess I assumed if he was going anywhere, it would be to his friend's house.
Rushi's poor Dad had followed me to make sure we found him.
So that took a few years off my life. Gavin was fine, just upset because he heard me calling for him and when I panicked, he panicked. And I am officially THAT MOM that loses her kid in her own front yard.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Busy times
Sorry for the lack of updates. My ability to post pictures is intermittent at best.
Sam's final shots were Friday and the Dr. said they had fluid in there, but no pus. A good thing, but since he still has fluid sitting there, I figure we're just counting the time until his next infection. As hard as that first one was to kick, as much as I hate it, I will probably opt for tubes as soon as we can. The antibiotics are horrible on his tummy, and the shots, well shots are awful, and still cause him tummy issues.
Gavin had another soccer game, and did a great job as usual. Unfortunately 3 out of 6 of the kids on his team flinch and run the other way any time the ball gets near them. Since 3 kids play at a time, he usually is playing out there with 2 kids that won't touch the ball. This weekend the other team had a ringer that scored often. Gavin was pretty bummed after the game and told me he didn't want to play anymore. So we'll see how next week goes!
A girl that is in his kindergarten class lives behind us; their backyard faces ours. So they have been back and forth all weekend between our houses. She is one sassy girl, I can't believe it! She's bossy and demanding and gives Gavin a run for his money since he likes everything his way and she just doesn't put up with it. This afternoon we walked her to her backyard and they walked together holding hands. It was just too adorable. And then I get all teary and mushy eyed thinking that these are the carefree days he will look back on. It sort of counter acts the working mom guilt, knowing that I am working to provide this life, this house, this neighborhood for my kids, and that they will look back on these days when they are older and smile (hopefully!).
Speaking of working mom guilt, the day after Sam said mama for the first time, I walked into day care with my chest all puffed up and proud and announced his new milestone. And got this response "Oh, he's been saying that for a while, I wondered when you were going to hear it". Knife. In my heart. Twisting. Now this wasn't his main lady as she doesn't get in til 8 am, and it was a lady that works in the 2 yr old room. I am sure she didn't mean to break my heart. But still!
Oh and swimming lessons are going better it seems. Gavin doesn't fight going, and he participates more. Although today he informed me he doesn't like diving boards. "Don't get me one of those, Mommy, ok?" "Gavin, we don't even have a pool, don't worry." "I don't like those boards, so don't get me any."
Got it Gavin. The next Michael Phelps most certainly will not be discovered in my house!
Sam's final shots were Friday and the Dr. said they had fluid in there, but no pus. A good thing, but since he still has fluid sitting there, I figure we're just counting the time until his next infection. As hard as that first one was to kick, as much as I hate it, I will probably opt for tubes as soon as we can. The antibiotics are horrible on his tummy, and the shots, well shots are awful, and still cause him tummy issues.
Gavin had another soccer game, and did a great job as usual. Unfortunately 3 out of 6 of the kids on his team flinch and run the other way any time the ball gets near them. Since 3 kids play at a time, he usually is playing out there with 2 kids that won't touch the ball. This weekend the other team had a ringer that scored often. Gavin was pretty bummed after the game and told me he didn't want to play anymore. So we'll see how next week goes!
A girl that is in his kindergarten class lives behind us; their backyard faces ours. So they have been back and forth all weekend between our houses. She is one sassy girl, I can't believe it! She's bossy and demanding and gives Gavin a run for his money since he likes everything his way and she just doesn't put up with it. This afternoon we walked her to her backyard and they walked together holding hands. It was just too adorable. And then I get all teary and mushy eyed thinking that these are the carefree days he will look back on. It sort of counter acts the working mom guilt, knowing that I am working to provide this life, this house, this neighborhood for my kids, and that they will look back on these days when they are older and smile (hopefully!).
Speaking of working mom guilt, the day after Sam said mama for the first time, I walked into day care with my chest all puffed up and proud and announced his new milestone. And got this response "Oh, he's been saying that for a while, I wondered when you were going to hear it". Knife. In my heart. Twisting. Now this wasn't his main lady as she doesn't get in til 8 am, and it was a lady that works in the 2 yr old room. I am sure she didn't mean to break my heart. But still!
Oh and swimming lessons are going better it seems. Gavin doesn't fight going, and he participates more. Although today he informed me he doesn't like diving boards. "Don't get me one of those, Mommy, ok?" "Gavin, we don't even have a pool, don't worry." "I don't like those boards, so don't get me any."
Got it Gavin. The next Michael Phelps most certainly will not be discovered in my house!
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Yep - Sam said mama tonight for the first time! YAY! I was so excited and I've only really been trying to get him to do it for a couple days. And wasn't expecting much since he shrieks and squeals instead of babbling most of the time. He then proceeded to look at Chad and repeat, but whatever. At least he is saying something!
Last night he slept better but today at day care he was fussy and needed tylenol. Tomorrow is our second round of shots, so I am anxious to see how his ears look.
It's all about teeth around here. Gavin lost another one and Sam is still trying to break his first one through.
Gavin made quite an effort in soccer this weekend. I may be biased, but that kid seems to have a knack for the game. Unfortunately he got knocked down a couple times, and there was one kid on the other team that seemed to have it out for him and was talking smack! He totally deserved a yellow card! Gavin held his own though. And scored several goals. It's so fun to see the kids make progress in each game.
I'm so proud of Gavin. He's very emotional, which is draining to deal with his outbursts sometimes. But for the most part he is dealing with the transition to school better than I expected. He's even decided to do school lunch which means one less thing for me to do! It's a little overwhelming because there are lots of choices and he has to remember his keypad number, so I didn't push it. He decided all on his own.
Oh these boys, I love seeing all the progress they make but hate how fast they are growing up! They (and their dad) are my loves, and I am so lucky to have this family.
Last night he slept better but today at day care he was fussy and needed tylenol. Tomorrow is our second round of shots, so I am anxious to see how his ears look.
It's all about teeth around here. Gavin lost another one and Sam is still trying to break his first one through.
Gavin made quite an effort in soccer this weekend. I may be biased, but that kid seems to have a knack for the game. Unfortunately he got knocked down a couple times, and there was one kid on the other team that seemed to have it out for him and was talking smack! He totally deserved a yellow card! Gavin held his own though. And scored several goals. It's so fun to see the kids make progress in each game.
I'm so proud of Gavin. He's very emotional, which is draining to deal with his outbursts sometimes. But for the most part he is dealing with the transition to school better than I expected. He's even decided to do school lunch which means one less thing for me to do! It's a little overwhelming because there are lots of choices and he has to remember his keypad number, so I didn't push it. He decided all on his own.
Oh these boys, I love seeing all the progress they make but hate how fast they are growing up! They (and their dad) are my loves, and I am so lucky to have this family.
Monday, September 21, 2009
I am Sam's super infected ears
Poor little man can't catch a break! After spending 1 am - 5 am not sleeping and in pain all weekend, Chad took him back to the Dr this morning. We are to stop the oral antibiotic as he is now on a treatment of shots - poor baby! He got them today and we go back wed and fri. If this doesn't work, we are off to the ENT.
I am looking for feedback on the following, so please leave a comment or email me if you have any experience with:
Antibiotic Shots - side effects, effectiveness after oral antibiotics have failed
Chiropractic treatment for ear infections
Garlic oil in the ear to relieve pain
Thanks for any help you have to offer. I never thought that Sam could possibly have WORSE ear infection problems than Gavin. Our ped said Gavin set the record on frequency. Maybe Sam gets to set the record on difficulty of treatment. That's an award I will gladly avoid if possible!
I am looking for feedback on the following, so please leave a comment or email me if you have any experience with:
Antibiotic Shots - side effects, effectiveness after oral antibiotics have failed
Chiropractic treatment for ear infections
Garlic oil in the ear to relieve pain
Thanks for any help you have to offer. I never thought that Sam could possibly have WORSE ear infection problems than Gavin. Our ped said Gavin set the record on frequency. Maybe Sam gets to set the record on difficulty of treatment. That's an award I will gladly avoid if possible!
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Friday, September 18, 2009
Quick update
Still can't post pictures, so see the link in the previous post. Sam had a better day after having to come home from day care yesterday due to not takin his bottle two times in a row. As long as we keep him on Tylenol and he has no fever, he is ok. I just hope we aren't starting 11 months of ear infection purgatory like Gavin.
Soccer game is on tomorrow at 10:45.
Soccer game is on tomorrow at 10:45.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Soccer Update - 9/17 game
The Thursday make up game will be held at the Johnston soccer complex. It will be held on field #7 at 5:30.
Since I can't load to the blog, you can get your picture fix by clicking above. Enjoy!
Since I can't load to the blog, you can get your picture fix by clicking above. Enjoy!
Ear Infection, Round 2
When I picked poor Sammy up from day care tonight he looked AWFUL. They'd taken his temp two different times, one was normal and one was slightly elevated. But he'd been on Tylenol because he was so fussy and they figured it was teething. So we got home and I called the ped who couldn't get us in but told us to go to the walk in clinic nearby. By then his temp was 101.1 and later at the clinic it was 101.8. Poor baby! But even feeling awful he was still a happy guy and Gavin did quite a job of entertaining him in the waiting room. No one can get that baby belly laughing like Gavin!
So. He's resistant to Amoxycillin just like Gavin. He's on the red poop making, diarrhea inducing Omnicef. (On a happy note, there is finally a generic - yay for $10 prescriptions!). I just get flashbacks of Gavin at this age and that this was the onset of 11 months of nothing but illness after illness all leading up to a hospital stay.
He still feels warm after another dose of Tylenol but he is finally asleep.
Sorry for the lack of pictures. Blogger is not my friend and somehow I can not load pictures lately. You'll get the mother load when I finally can! Something to look forward to!
So. He's resistant to Amoxycillin just like Gavin. He's on the red poop making, diarrhea inducing Omnicef. (On a happy note, there is finally a generic - yay for $10 prescriptions!). I just get flashbacks of Gavin at this age and that this was the onset of 11 months of nothing but illness after illness all leading up to a hospital stay.
He still feels warm after another dose of Tylenol but he is finally asleep.
Sorry for the lack of pictures. Blogger is not my friend and somehow I can not load pictures lately. You'll get the mother load when I finally can! Something to look forward to!
Sunday, September 13, 2009
I am SO sorry for not posting that his game was canceled this weekend. I promise I will do better.
The make up game is this Thurs (17th) at 5:30 at Crown Pointe in Johnston. Email me if you want to come and need directions. He is also playing this Sat (19th) at 10:45 at the little fields on the south side of the fields.
We've had a busy weekend/week. Gavin ran in his half mile fun run Thurs and did great! I think seeing the high school boys there was good motivation. He also had soccer practice that evening and did a very good job paying attention and participating.
Saturday we went to Boone for Pufferbilly Days, well, actually so Gavin could run in races on the real track. He did great at the 100 and 400 events, but had a meltdown during the 800. Tired from the first two I guess! We then stayed for the parade and the carnival.
He also started swim lessons Sat, they are Sat & Sun for a few weeks. Chad said yesterday he did well, but today I went to watch and he wouldn't participate at all.
Tonight we celebrated Gamma Jamma's birthday. See....busy! Not too mention I am taking on a new role at work. Before you get too excited, it's not a promotion.....just more work (sigh). A good opportunity but just a crazy time to take on something new. We'll get there.
I promise to post pictures soon. I can't believe I still don't have bday party pics up.
The make up game is this Thurs (17th) at 5:30 at Crown Pointe in Johnston. Email me if you want to come and need directions. He is also playing this Sat (19th) at 10:45 at the little fields on the south side of the fields.
We've had a busy weekend/week. Gavin ran in his half mile fun run Thurs and did great! I think seeing the high school boys there was good motivation. He also had soccer practice that evening and did a very good job paying attention and participating.
Saturday we went to Boone for Pufferbilly Days, well, actually so Gavin could run in races on the real track. He did great at the 100 and 400 events, but had a meltdown during the 800. Tired from the first two I guess! We then stayed for the parade and the carnival.
He also started swim lessons Sat, they are Sat & Sun for a few weeks. Chad said yesterday he did well, but today I went to watch and he wouldn't participate at all.
Tonight we celebrated Gamma Jamma's birthday. See....busy! Not too mention I am taking on a new role at work. Before you get too excited, it's not a promotion.....just more work (sigh). A good opportunity but just a crazy time to take on something new. We'll get there.
I promise to post pictures soon. I can't believe I still don't have bday party pics up.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
I have started feeling better after being sick for a few days, Mom can tell I am starting to get back to my squirrely self! The good news is that they were able to continue feeding me this whole time, I have tolerated the feedings well, and they keep increasing how much I get. Right now it is just being dripped through a feeding tube that goes in my mouth and down to my tummy. Hopefully I will be off the vent soon.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Sam's progress *updated*
Sam's OT came Tuesday morning to check in on him, and was amazed by how big he is! She was also very impressed with his development, with how steady and confident and coordinated he is. She said she could just see the wheels turning in his head and that he has very advanced problem solving skills.
I told her what we really need is a sleep therapist. I mentioned how he still can't go long between meals. She said maybe it's a growth spurt. I said he's never NOT been having a growth spurt! Ugh! I need some sleep. I love the baby snuggles, but it's starting to wear on me. I would even take the sleeping with me if we could just cut out the waking.every.TWO.hours!
Gavin's had some pretty grumpy evenings, but no reports from school about behavior. The kid that can never remember a thing about his day, I swear gave me the rundown verbatim on the Entertainment books. Speaking of, we are selling them for $2o. They include $20 off in coupons from Hy-Vee so they pay for themself.
Gavin runs his first race today - a half mile!
*update* speaking of progress, Sam made it to 4 am before waking. Of course it's now 4 am and he is WOUND and ready to party!
I told her what we really need is a sleep therapist. I mentioned how he still can't go long between meals. She said maybe it's a growth spurt. I said he's never NOT been having a growth spurt! Ugh! I need some sleep. I love the baby snuggles, but it's starting to wear on me. I would even take the sleeping with me if we could just cut out the waking.every.TWO.hours!
Gavin's had some pretty grumpy evenings, but no reports from school about behavior. The kid that can never remember a thing about his day, I swear gave me the rundown verbatim on the Entertainment books. Speaking of, we are selling them for $2o. They include $20 off in coupons from Hy-Vee so they pay for themself.
Gavin runs his first race today - a half mile!
*update* speaking of progress, Sam made it to 4 am before waking. Of course it's now 4 am and he is WOUND and ready to party!
Friday, September 4, 2009
Sammy's first ear infection
Well we made it 7 months without antibiotics which is about the same as Gavin (except for his hospital infections). Sam's been snotty for a few days now and last night had a horrible cough so I took him in. No fever and not too much crankiness oddly enough!
Sam actually FELL ASLEEP IN HIS CRIB last night, courtesy of the Baby Einstein sea sounds and sights thing we bought for his crib. I laid on the air mattress out of sight and had to pet his head and hand him his paci a couple times, but he fell asleep and stayed asleep for five hours. A total record!
Here are some recent pics:
Not cooperating for first day of school pics

Apprehensive first day of school
A Sammy sitting montage
And here is Gavin in the same outfit

Nope, I guess they don't look alike at all!
Sam actually FELL ASLEEP IN HIS CRIB last night, courtesy of the Baby Einstein sea sounds and sights thing we bought for his crib. I laid on the air mattress out of sight and had to pet his head and hand him his paci a couple times, but he fell asleep and stayed asleep for five hours. A total record!
Here are some recent pics:
Not cooperating for first day of school pics
Apprehensive first day of school
A Sammy sitting montage
And here is Gavin in the same outfit

Nope, I guess they don't look alike at all!
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Milestones for the Boys
Gavin lost his first tooth yesterday! Apparently it fell out in the library and he caught it. I hate anything tooth related and it totally grosses me out, but whatever.
His first soccer game went well - he scored three goals! Unfortunately the other team really knew what they were doing, and on our team Gavin was the only one really going after the ball, so the other team scored quite a bit. He had fun though. Of course getting a treat was his favorite part! No games this weekend due to Labor Day, the next game is the 12th at 11:45 am.
Sam just took off over the weekend - in a week he went from sitting for a few seconds to sitting for 10 minutes or more! He is so aware and engaged in everything around him. We went to brunch and he sat in a high chair and looked around at everyone, played with his toys, and ate half a pancake! Sunday I took him to the grocery store and he was sitting in the cart and digging through my purse. I finally realized he was hungry and was looking for his bottle! Which I always carry in my purse. And lastly, he is scooting backwards on his hands and knees. Only a matter of time before he is mobile.
His first soccer game went well - he scored three goals! Unfortunately the other team really knew what they were doing, and on our team Gavin was the only one really going after the ball, so the other team scored quite a bit. He had fun though. Of course getting a treat was his favorite part! No games this weekend due to Labor Day, the next game is the 12th at 11:45 am.
Sam just took off over the weekend - in a week he went from sitting for a few seconds to sitting for 10 minutes or more! He is so aware and engaged in everything around him. We went to brunch and he sat in a high chair and looked around at everyone, played with his toys, and ate half a pancake! Sunday I took him to the grocery store and he was sitting in the cart and digging through my purse. I finally realized he was hungry and was looking for his bottle! Which I always carry in my purse. And lastly, he is scooting backwards on his hands and knees. Only a matter of time before he is mobile.
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