Sam went to his pediatrician last Thursday and he was up to 6 lbs, 1 oz. So he's gaining weight at the appropriate rate. It's hard to believe we don't have to go back until his 2 month appt! He looks bigger every day, his little cheeks are starting to fill out and he is getting more and more alert periods. He likes his tummy time and is pretty content to lay on his back and kick around - as long as someone is close by to help entertain him. He also really likes to be sung to, especially during diaper changes. Chad's found he seems to like "Copa Cabana". Who knew?
Gavin is a little attention hungry, but overall is handling things well, although he is not sleeping well. He likes to pet Sam's hair and touch his little feet.
Here's some pics from around the house, as well as from celebrating Chris & Kate's birthdays this weekend.

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